ECS hit the seas again!
Another busy month for Enhanced Control Systems leading up to Christmas. We are currently working on several projects, one of which is for our new client DFDS Seaways.
ECS have been tasked with replacing the control system to the car decks supply and extract fans across all 3 ships using the Dover to Dunkirk crossing. On each of the ships we will be suppling and installing 26 Allen Bradley Powerflex variable speed drives (VSDs). These will range from 11kW to 37kW and will be controlled via 2 Allen Bradley ControLogix PLCs that we will install at either end of the ship. Both PLCs will communicate via a fibre network and the whole system is then tied into the ship’s bridge control via Modbus.
Each ship is planned for a Dunkirk dry dock installation during January, so a strict time scale is key to this project being a success. We are currently writing the PLC software and programming the 78 VSDs in our Maidstone workshop this week in preparation of the dry dock layovers.
We will keep you updated on this projects progress during the January installation but in the meantime if you would like to know any further information about this or have a queries regarding your own project please feel free to get in touch.
Bon voyage!